Aks Lokht Pesar

I Fear though I Love Israel, Iran, USA, etc.

Though I love you people and don't want a war, I fear it will happen anyway.  The British Financial Empire…


A croire que les Occidentaux ne savent faire que ça : produire des armes épouvantables et aller les balancer sur…

Risks to visit Israel?

My name is Marc. I'm a 17 year old boy from Germany ! Next autumn I will visit Israel and…

See beyond politics, relate with your heart and sole

I am an Israeli. I have dear friends from Quatar, Somalia, Palestine and Iran, all of whom I met while…

As a former soldier of Israel

As a former soldier of Israel that has been fighting terror for years i can only bless this web site.…

All the same

I have been in both countries and I know a lot of Israelis and Iranians - they are all great…